Friday, April 22, 2011

ফেইসবুকের সব নোটিফিকেশন এবার যাবে মোবাইলে একেবারেই বিনামূল্যে

সামাজিক যোগাযোগ সাইট ফেইসবুক কম্পিউটারে ব্যবহার করার পাশপাশি মোবাইলফোন থেকেও ব্যবহার করার সুযোগ রয়েছে। তবে মোবাইল ফোনে ইন্টারনেট সংযোগ থাকতে হয়। আর ফেইসবুকের নোটিফিকেশনগুলো এতদিন কেবল ইমেইলেই পাওয়া যেত। অন্যান্য দেশের ব্যবহারকারীরা এসব নোটিফিকেশনগুলো ইমেইলের পাশাপাশি মোবাইল ফোনেও পেয়েছেন এতদিন। এবার আমাদের দেশেও এসেছে এ সুযোগ।  ইন্টারনেট সংযোগ না থাকলেও এখন স্ট্যাটাস আপডেট, কারোও ওয়ালে পোস্ট করা  এবং নোটিফিকেশন মোবাইল ফোনে এসএমএসের মাধ্যমে দেখার সুবিধা রয়েছে। এজন্য  ফেইসবুকে কিছু সেটিংস পরিবতন করে নিতে হবে। এখন কম্পিউটার থেকে প্রথমে  ফেসবুক অ্যাকাউন্টে লগ-ইন করুন। এবার Account থেকে Account Settings এ যান।
এবার Account Settings  থেকে Mobile লেখা ট্যাব এ যেতে হবে। নিচের ছবি তে ফলো টা দিলাম
মোবাইল ট্যাবে গেলে নিচের ছবির মতো একটি পেজ খুলবে। যেখানে একাবারে নিচে লেখা রয়েছে -এ যেতে হবে `অলরেডি রিসিভড এ কনফারমেশন কোড?’ ছবিতে লাল দাগ দিয়ে দিলাম। এই লেখাটির উপর ক্লিক করুন।
এরপর যে মোবাইল নাম্বার থেকে ফেইসবুক স্ট্যাটাস আপডেট করতে চান এবং নোটিফিকেশন পেতে চান সেঁটির মেসেজ অপশনে গিয়ে ইংরেজি এফ (f) লিখে গ্রামীনফোন ব্যবহারকারীরা ২৫৫৫ নাম্বার এবং বাংলালিংক ব্যবহারকারীরা ৩২৬৬৫ একটি এসএমএস পাঠাতে হবে। ফিরতি এস.এম.এস এ ব্যবহারকারীকে একটি  Confirmation Code পাঠানো হবে। এবার কম্পিউটার থেকে মোবাইল ট্যাবের নিচে Already received a confirmation code? লেখা বাটনটিতে কিক করুন। যে Confirmation Code-টি এসএমএস এ এসেছে সেটি কনফার্মেশন বক্সে লিখতে হবে।
এবার Confirm এ কিক করুন। এখন কি কি নোটিফিকেশন মোবাইলে পেতে চান তার সেটিংগুলি ঠিক করে দিন। এরপর থেকে ফেসবুকের সব ধরণের নোটিফিকেশন এসএমএসের মাধ্যমে পাবেন। এরজন্য অতিরিক্ত কোন চার্জ দিতে হবেনা।

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Shahrukh and Shakira in KKK music video

Bollywood actor Shahrukh Khan will be seen with Latin songstress Shakirain a music video for his team Kolkata Knight Riders. The song will be composed by Salim-Sulaiman and sung by Rahat Fateh Ali Khan.

The video of the song will be shot once Shahrukh wraps up the shooting of Farhan Akhtar film Don 2. Last year, Shahrukh Khan got an opportunity to meet the Waka Waka girl Shakira during the World Cup soccer final in South Africa.
It was then when Shahrukh Khan confessed to her that he was a big fan of hers. Now the duo will be seen in the music video of Kolkata Knight Riders. We are sure that it is going to be the most awaited video of the season.

News Source:
The Daily Sun

Orsha’s two serials on air soon

Although she was introduced to all as a winner of a celebrity contest, Orsha does not want to present herself with that criterion. But she has taken it as her platform in the media. While sharing her feelings Orsha told this correspondent, “Now I am an actress. I have already created acceptance to the viewers as an actress. I want to establish myself in the media with this 

Orsha performed first TV play was ‘Dwando,’ directed by Kafi Bir. It was aired on Channel i last year on the occasion of Independence Day. Later Orsha have performed in many plays. Of those plays, ‘Kachhe Ashar Golpo,’ directed by Masud Hasan Uzzal, and ‘Ajke Din Kemon Jabe’ and ‘Sob Raat-er Golpo Ek Noy,’ directed by Sayeed Rinku. Within very short time Orsha has got the opportunity to act in the role of Deepaboli of ‘Saatkahon’ by virtue of her charismatic performance. Golam Sohrab Dodul is giving direction of drama serial 'Deepaboli' now. It will go on air on Desh TV, according to Orsha. Recently Orsha has completed shooting for a serialtitled ‘Chand Phul Omaboshya,’ scripted by Faria Hossain and directed by Arif Khan.It will go on air on ATN Bangla. While expressing her emotional feelings Orsha told this correspondent, “Two characters in those serials are absolutely different. Both the directors helped to presented the roles properly while shooting. I hope viewers will enjoy my performances in the serials.” Therefore, Orsha is acting for a movie titled ‘Ferari Manush,’ which is being directed by Abir Shrestha. Rawnak Hasan is her co-actor in this movie. Shooting of this movie will again start from next month, said Orsha.
Deshi janala

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Kareena Photoshoot

Grannies Fashion

 As a mature woman, you should not give up to follow fashion. In fact, it's to keep up with him and stay young that way is important.

The key here is to dress appropriately and carefully verify age if you look at fabric or a combination of them. Too often, older women want to keep with the latest trends. This is fine as long as it suits you and to see whether the severely abusive.

Grannies mode and clothing styles that youth organizations should coordinate with your skin and hair color is different. (In that all youth are allowed.) Also, you can adapt your clothes to your body and with appropriate equipment will improve handling.

This is where so many women try so hard, not always successful. Unless you know how you can have style without dressing.

In his middle age, rather than wear it appropriate to purchase store

What you see and particularly enjoy this piece as being simple.

When you have something that you look good when you were little your middle age, that bought, you can be more selective and choose exactly what suits and fits perfectly can. Not only is this a good idea to complement your existing wardrobe policy, but it is also easy on the purse. If you have an organization that is already in your wardrobe and maybe even years, you take a part of the clothing store and compare them with something new might want to accomplish. This way, you gradually add to the wardrobe and always something to improve it will be different.

Grannies mode may be an area for exploration. Forever to come through to your own style is trying to be consistent designers decide whether to follow her way with elegance and determine exactly what best suits you. If you have not taken much interest in this part of your life, it's never too late, just interested and excited to be your best look. Never go because nothing than that self-esteem to ignore. We reached all the time and effort can do so by a do not care, but to follow and you will feel better about yourself. Going home, knowing that you have made an effort with your appearance and look good if you give a great boost confidence.

Keep an eye on the classic groups and combine with a touch of personal favorites. Shoes, tights, jewelry, scarves or not. Mode lends itself so well to combine and perfect for your personality to shine.

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Indian Hot Hot Images

Celina Jaitley hot Pics

Objective and Subjective Perceptions of Health

A well-trained physician, or an observant member of a family, can often tell at a glance that someone is unwell. There are obvious signs—pallor, sweating, unsteady gait, a bone-shaking cough. The converse is more challenging. Someone who appears to be outwardly perfectly fit—hale and hearty, sound in wind and limb—may harbor an early cancer that is eating away at a vital organ, or, when asked the right questions may reveal a potential mental health problem, though there is no physical evidence of a departure from excellent health. Health has many dimensions, and each must be assessed and measured on some sort of scale. This is what physicians do when conducting a routine medical history and physical examination, which includes various laboratory tests. The results of such an examination have a range of values that usually follow a normal distribution, and for many of these the decision that a particular value lies within or outside the range of normal is rather arbitrary, although it is based on empirical experience. For example, experience and follow-up of many sets of observations allow us to agree on what level of systolic and diastolic blood pressure give grounds for a confident recommendation that treatment is needed to reduce an excessively high pressure that could lead to a stroke or heart attack....


Sunday, March 6, 2011

Reliable Imran scores over playboy Ranbir


A telecom giant wanted to sign a young and happening male actor for their product. Imran Khan and Ranbir Kapoor were shortlisted. 

In closed door meetings, it was continuously discussed and debated who was a better choice as the entire campaign was weaved around a guy with a 'strong character' (read: Mr Clean).

Finally the company chose Imran over Ranbir as he was viewed as a dependable guy considering his dedication to his girlfriend of many years, and now wife, Avantika Malik. Ranbir was seen as fickle-minded for constantly changing his girlfriends. His wandering ways cost him the plum assignment. This round goes to Imran. The faithful actor will laugh all the way to the bank, as his 'good behaviour' has won him a six-crore- a-year deal. More reason for him to serenade his wife with 'hello, hello bol ke, tere aaju baaju dol ke.


একসঙ্গে শাহরুখ-ডিক্যাপ্রিও!

Shah Rukh Khan goes to Hollywoodশাহরুখ খান এবং লিওনার্দো ডিক্যাপ্রিও_ বলিউড এবং হলিউডের দুই জনপ্রিয় অভিনেতা। দুই ভুবনের এই দুই জনপ্রিয় তারকাকে নিয়ে ছবি নির্মাণের কথা ভাবছেন হলিউডের প্রখ্যাত পরিচালক মার্টিন স্কোরসেস। রবার্ট ডে নিরস 'ট্যাক্সি ড্রাইভার'খ্যাত সফল কাহিনীকারের কাহিনীকে খানিকটা অনুসরণ করেই নতুন ছবিটি করা হবে। পরিচালক বলেছেন, 'যদি শাহরুখ খানের সঙ্গে সবকিছু ঠিকঠাক মতো কথা হয় তাহলে শাহরুখকে আমার ছবিতে অবশ্যই রাখব।' পরিচালক আরও বলেন, 'শাহরুখকে আমার সবচেয়ে ভালো লাগে 'ওম শান্তি ওম' ছবিতে তার অভিনয় দেখে। সে এতটাই আবেগী অভিনয় করতে পারে যা আমার এই ছবির জন্য সম্পূর্ণ পারফেক্ট। লিওনার্দো ডি ক্যাপ্রিও শাহরুখ খানের সঙ্গে অভিনয়ের ব্যাপারে কোনো আপত্তি নেই। তিনি বলেন, 'আশা করি আমি শাহরুখ খানের সঙ্গে অভিনয় করে ভাল করতে পারব এবং এনজয়ও করতে পারব। দুজনের মধ্যে ভালো সম্পর্কও হবে।'

Thursday, February 24, 2011

আজ বলিউড-ঢালিউড তারকাদের মিলনমেলা

বঙ্গবন্ধু জাতীয় স্টেডিয়ামে আজ বসছে বলিউড ও ঢালিউড তারকাদের মিলনমেলা। সঙ্গে থাকছে শ্রীলঙ্কার তারকারাও। তিন দেশের শীর্ষ তারকাদের নিয়ে বিকাল ৪টায় শুরু হবে বাংলাদেশের ইতিহাসের সবচেয়ে জমকালো এ আসর। অনুষ্ঠানে অংশ নিতে এরই মধ্যে ঢাকার মাটিতে পা রেখেছেন সালমান খান, অক্ষয় কুমার, ক্যাটরিনা কাইফ, রিয়া সেন এবং প্রীতম চক্রবর্তী। আয়োজক সূত্রে জানা গেছে, 'ডেসটিনি ত্রিদেশীয় বিগ শো'তে পারফর্ম করতে বিশেষ বিমানে ঢাকায় এসেছেন সালমান খান, অক্ষয় কুমার ও ক্যাটরিনা কাইফ। বাংলাদেশ ক্রিকেট বোর্ডের পক্ষ থেকে অনুষ্ঠানটির আয়োজন করেছে এটিএন ইভেন্টস। প্রতিষ্ঠানটির কর্মকর্তারা জানিয়েছেন, ব্যাংকক থেকে সালমান খান, ভারতের চণ্ডীগড় থেকে অক্ষয় কুমার এবং মুম্বাই থেকে আলাদাভাবে বিশেষ বিমানে ঢাকায় এসেছেন ক্যাটরিনা। একই দিন জেট এয়ারওয়েজে প্রায় ১৫০ জনের একটি দল নিয়ে আসবেন রিয়া সেন, আনুশকা শর্মা এবং প্রীতম চক্রবর্তী ও তার ব্যান্ড মেট্রো। শুরুতে শোনা গিয়েছিল, এ কনসার্টে যোগ দিতে ঢাকায় আসছেন বলিউড অভিনেত্রী কারিনা কাপুর। কিন্তু শেষ খবর পাওয়া পর্যন্ত কনসার্টের তারিখ পরিবর্তন হওয়ায় কারিনা কাপুরের আসার ব্যাপারটি অনিশ্চিত হয়ে পড়ে। কনসার্টে শ্রীলঙ্কার পক্ষ থেকে অংশ নেবে দু'টি ব্যান্ড।

অনুষ্ঠানের আয়োজন সম্পর্কে জানা যায়, ত্রিদেশীয় এ কনসার্টের শুরুতেই থাকবে বাংলাদেশের শিল্পীদের পরিবেশনা। বিকেল সাড়ে ৪টায় শুরু হবে অনুষ্ঠান। শুরুতেই থাকবে দেশের গান। এরপর লোকগানে অংশ নেবেন কিরণচন্দ্র রায়, ফরিদা পারভীন, চন্দনা মজুমদার ও বারী সিদ্দিকী। সঙ্গে থাকবে প্রায় ২০০ শিল্পীর অংশগ্রহণে একটি নৃত্য পরিবেশনা। নৃত্যে অংশ নিচ্ছেন শিবলী মহম্মদ ও শামীম আরা নীপা, সোহেল ও রিয়া, লিখন ও নাদিয়াসহ আরও কয়েকটি নাচের দল। ঢালিউড থেকে থাকছে জনপ্রিয় অভিনেতা শাকিব খানের পরিবেশনা। তার সঙ্গে গানের তালে নাচবেন জনপ্রিয় অভিনেত্রী বিন্দু, মীম, শখ ও তিনি্ন।

Monday, February 21, 2011

Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart getting married...

'টোয়াইলাইট' জুটির গোপন বিয়ে!

‘টোয়াইলাইট’ জুটি রবার্ট প্যাটিনসন এবং ক্রিস্টেন স্টুয়ার্ট নাকি এ বছরই বিয়ের পিঁড়িতে বসছেন। হলিউডের বাতাসে এখন এমন গুঞ্জণই ভাসছে। খবর পিটিআই-এর।

সংবাদমাধ্যমটি জানিয়েছে, নতুন বছরের শুরুতেই প্যাটিনসন স্টুয়ার্টকে বিয়ের প্রস্তাব দিয়েছেন এবং আসছে গ্রীষ্মেই তারা বিয়ের পরিকল্পনা করছেন বলে দাবি করেছে একটি ওয়েবসাইট।

সংবাদমাধ্যমটি আরো জানিয়েছে, নাপা ভ্যালিতে ছিমছাম ছোট্ট বিয়ের আয়োজনের ব্যাপারে ইতোমধ্যেই এই জুটি ক্যালিফোর্নিয়ার একজন ওয়েডিং প্ল্যানারের সঙ্গেও নাকি কথা বলেছেন। জাঁকজমকপূর্ণ আয়োজনের চেয়ে কাছের মানুষদের উপস্থিতিতেই বিয়ের কাজটা সেরে ফেলতে চান তারা। 

উল্লেখ্য, এই জুটি কখনোই তাদের প্রেমের ব্যাপারে প্রকাশ্যে কোনো কিছু স্বীকার করেননি। যদিও তারা একসঙ্গে অনেকবারই ক্যমেরার লেন্সে ধরা পড়েছেন, তবুও সম্পর্ক স্বীকারের ব্যাপারে দুজনের মুখেই কুলুপ আঁটা। মাঝে তাদের সম্পর্ক ভেঙ্গে গেছে বলেও খবর রটেছিলো।

 Rob and Kristen’s favorite date.

Friday, February 18, 2011

Cricket World Cup: Opening ceremony photos from Dhaka.

let cricket world cup 2011 begin - bangladesh fans celebrate outside the bangabandhu national
stadium in dhaka ahead of thursday's opening ceremony.

befor canadian singer bryan adams and his band look to the stage to rock the crowd.

It was a lively atmosphere inside the stadium too as more then 21,000 cricket fans packed the stands to witness the ceremony.

and colourful an noisy firework display brought the tow-hour event to a close.

Monday, February 14, 2011


Nawsheen in direction of ' Bhalobashar Epith Opith 

"It is very much exiting and thrilling to give direction rather than acting. I have felt well to give the direction. Next time I will give more priority to give direction rather than acting," said popular TV actress, model and host Nawsheen Nahreen Mou while giving a direction for a magazine which will go on air on Channel i on the occasion of Valentine's Day.
Title of the magazine is 'Bhalobashar Epith Opith.' By this programme Nawsheen has debut her career as a programme director. The programme will be presented by noted litterateur Emdadul Haque Milon. Lux-Channel i superstars Rakhi, Mashiyat and Toya. But how they will be presented in the show is the main focal point of the magazine, said Nawsheen.

In the programme, film actor Ferdous will host a segment titled 'Bhalobashar Potrobilash.'

Sarika : An epitome of grace, confidence and zest

She is refreshingly charming with a face that could tell many lovely stories. She has the fragrance of a lily and incense sticks, well blended. Within a very short span of time, she has found her place in the hearts of the millions of fans. Starting her career as a model, of late she has been doing acting as well. Yes you guessed it right; I am talking about Sarika – the most sought after model cum actress in recent times. We caught up with her.
Q: You wanted to be a pilot but destiny has landed you in the showbiz industry. How has the journey been so far?
Sarika: I still have that ambition to become a pilot and inshallah I will be a pilot sooner rather later. But working in the showbiz has never been my dream or plan. It just happened coincidentally. Initially I wanted to concentrate only in modeling but of late, from March 2010 to be precise, I have gradually shifted my focus to acting at the same time. I’m lucky that I have got enormous love and support from the industry people and my fans which is always keeping me motivated to deliver my best.
Q: Will you completely shift your focus from modeling to acting?
Sarika: Modeling and acting – both are equally important to me and I can’t differentiate between the two. Though I started my career as a model, but the intention was always to act simultaneously as well. I want to be a top-rated model of the country who will be remembered even after 20 years or more. When it comes to acting, I would love to do some selective works in order to maintain the quality.
Q: Please give us a brief about your dramas.
Sarika: I have worked in two drama serials both of which are written by Humayun Ahmed and directed by Arun Chowdhury and Animesh Aich respectively. I prefer to act more on single episode plays. Recently I’ve completed the shooting of a drama ‘Ah Balika’, directed by Chayanika Chowdhury.
Q: You are being termed as the prettiest girl of Bangladesh. How do you maintain your beauty?
Sarika: Due to my grueling work schedule, I don’t know whether I ever get the chance to take proper care of me. Perhaps my fans are so kind to me and that’s the reason why they find me so pretty.
Q: How would you evaluate your popularity?
Sarika: There was a time when I used to receive loads of phone calls and texts only from my male fans. That can be called as craze. But when I started receiving calls from my female fans, that’s the moment I realized what popularity is all about. I am grateful to all my directors, co-artists and last but not the least, my fans for their support and love for me. Without my hard work and the support from all concerned, I would not have been where I am today.
Q: In an interview with a national English daily, you said that you want to be a super model. What you actually meant by that?
Sarika: Actually I was misquoted there. Regarding my ambition as a model, I always say that I am eager to do some memorable works which will set me apart from my contemporaries and people will remember my name for a very long time.
Q: Any message for your fans?
Sarika: I think I have still a very long way to go. So I hope the love and support of my fans will continue to pour in for me in the years ahead. I would like to promise to them that I will create my distinct niche in both modeling and acting in the coming days and keep on entertaining them.

Shaina to work in documentary film ' VIP

For the first time, 'Meherjaan' famed actress Shaina Amin is going to work in any documentary movie. Shooting of the documentary titled 'VIP,' 

Neerob Khan: From Radio to Cinema

 Photos By: Nazmun Aquib

You might know him as RJ (Radio Jockey) Neerob but this man of multifaceted talent has tried his hand in journalism, singing, acting and anchoring shows and came out in flying colours. Now Neerob Khan is all set to act in a mainstream Bangla movie and that too in the role of the protagonist. At a time when our movie industry is being dominated by a lone superstar, what made Neerob to take up the challenge of 35 mm? Dhaka Live finds out that and much more in a candid conversation. 

The reason why Neerob wants to be a mainstream hero:

Just a few months ago when he had an unceremonious exit from Radio Today FM89.6, Neerob did not have any plan to act on commercial Bangla movies. So why this sudden change of mind? Neerob answered, “Actually I wanted to be a hero someday but this dream perhaps would have never come true without my director Anonno Mamun. He instilled confidence in me which made me optimistic to act on a full length commercial Bangla movie. Now I would like to explore every single dimension in media. I’ve got success as a journalist, RJ, small screen actor, anchor, IJ (Internet Jockey). But film media is the highest platform to showcase someone’s talent. Since I have got success in whatever I did so far in my career, so I am optimistic that my movie will also be a commercially success.”

The reason behind Neerob’s confidence:

Neerob Khan is oozing with confidence. What’s the secret of that? Replied a modest Neerob, “The popularity of my radio or tv shows are the proof enough of the fact that I’ve a certain fan following. Recently mobile phone operator Airtel conducted a survey where I’ve found my place among the top 5 most eligible bachelor of the country. So all of these justify that I’m being blessed by the love and support of my fans. I’ve a commitment to them for their never ending love and support. I’m already learning dance steps from some renowned dance directors. I feel I will be good in fighting scenes as well. The bottom-line is I can’t just do a run-of-the-mill- movie. That’s why I am giving more than 100 percent for this movie. So when my movie would be released, I am confident that my fans will throng to the theaters to make it a success.” 

Ambitions as a hero:

As a hero of a mainstream Bangla movie, Neerob is very ambitious. His upcoming projects are revolving around changing the faces of Bangla movies forever. He shared this exclusively with Dhaka Live. “I think our industry is solely depending on Shakib Khan. He is the real superstar at the moment who is single handedly dominating the scene. I feel I should step in and fill the void at least to some extent if possible. I am already in the process of signing two more movies. Within one year’s time, I would like to act in at least five movies. After evaluating the responses of my movies, I will decide about my next course of actions.” 

Goodbye to Radio and Tv?

As he is increasingly becoming busy with his movies and other commitments, will the listeners get deprived from his RJing? Or will he ever get back to acting or hosting shows for the small screen? Neerob sounds positive, “Radio is my passion. I can’t live without it. I’m now working with an online radio station Radio Circle. From time to time, I am coming in front of the microphone to share my thoughts with the listeners. Besides as a freelance media person, I will continue to work for the television. Recently I have completed the shooting of a single episode play by noted director Mohon Khan. So I will try to enrich our cultural scene in whatever way I possibly can.”

Ahona : Shakib Khan’s new heroine

Cute model cum actress Ahona has become new star of well loved film actor Shakib Khan. Muharrat of Ahona-Shakib’s first show ‘Dui Prithibi,’ which is being directed by FI Manik, was held at BFDC at Tejgaon in the city recently.Director FI Manik told this correspondent that in his new show ‘Dui Prithibi,’ Apu Biswas and Ahona are performing in two vital roles. Tale of the show will revolve with them. Shooting will continue till February 5. Hasan Imam, Abul Hayat, Alamgir, Diti, Dolly Zahur, Rasheda Chowdhury, Sadeque Bachchu, Mizu Ahmed, Misha Shawdagar, among others, are acting this show, presented by Sandwhani Kothachitra.

Her debut show was ‘Chakorer Prem’ directed by Rakibul Alam Rakib, was released in 2008. Amin Khan was her co-actor in that show.
Slogan of the show ‘Dui Prithibi’ will be ‘My Country My Like,’ said FIManik. The show was scripted by Mohammad Rafiq-uz-Zaman and music will be directed by Emon Saha, said Manik.

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